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Microcontroller Embedded C Programming

Microcontroller Embedded C Programming



Master embedded C programming with our "Microcontroller Embedded C Programming" course. Learn to write efficient code for microcontrollers, understand hardware-software interaction, and develop real-world embedded systems projects.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Thu Aug 2024
Total lectures 0
Total quizzes 0
Total duration Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Master embedded C programming with our "Microcontroller Embedded C Programming" course. Learn to write efficient code for microcontrollers, understand hardware-software interaction, and develop real-world embedded systems projects.
  • Write efficient embedded C code for microcontrollers
  • Understand microcontroller architecture and peripherals
  • Interface microcontrollers with sensors and actuators
  • Debug and troubleshoot embedded systems
  • Develop real-world embedded systems projects
  • A computer with internet access.
  • Basic knowledge of C programming (helpful but not mandatory)
  • A microcontroller development board and basic components