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Software development bootcamp

Software development bootcamp



Dive into the world of software development with our "Software Development Bootcamp" course. Designed for beginners and experienced professionals alike, this course covers the entire development lifecycle, from initial concept to final deployment.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Thu Aug 2024
Total lectures 4
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 11:11:00 Hours
Total enrolment 5
Number of reviews 1
Avg rating
Short description Dive into the world of software development with our "Software Development Bootcamp" course. Designed for beginners and experienced professionals alike, this course covers the entire development lifecycle, from initial concept to final deployment.
  • Understand and apply core software development principles.
  • Use popular programming languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript.
  • Implement effective software design and architecture.
  • Deploy and maintain software applications effectively.
  • A computer with internet access.
  • Basic understanding of programming concepts (helpful but not mandatory).
  • Willingness to learn and engage in hands-on projects.
  • An installed code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code).